What does “Active Offer” mean?
An Active Offer is the way a company strives to provide its service in Welsh as well as English as a step towards culteral recognition and inclusion to those whose preferred language is Cymraeg.
The Welsh Government has a national ambition that will enable social care workers to have access to, learn, and use Welsh in their day to day work. The Welsh Language Strategic Framework “More than just words” was launched in 2012. Its focus is to provide framework to strengthen Welsh language services within health, social services and social care. It recognises that many people can only communicate and participate effectively in their care as equal partners through the medium of Welsh.
Cantref Care Home provides a service to the public and we have our own part to play in developing and delivering a Welsh language service. We have taken steps to ensure our signage is in both Welsh and English and part of our pre admission assessment is to provide our individuals with dignity and respect by asking what their preferred language is, and acting on it, as providing a person centred care plan is fundamental to the “Active Offer”.